The Forbidden Sanctum Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Let's go!!!
Love the targeted Expedition and Harvest nodes in the atlas passives!
Synth item drop chance removed from synth maps, height of hubris also gone? Were these made "baseline" as in, you don't need to put atlas points toward them?
最後に Pallumx#4803 が 2022/12/09 11:25:37 に編集
Can someone explain what "Imagined Pursuits" on the atlas tree does? I can not seem to understand what this +1 to map completion means.
nice, I like it
avroo7 が発言:
Can someone explain what "Imagined Pursuits" on the atlas tree does? I can not seem to understand what this +1 to map completion means.

If I understand it correctly, all your delirium rewards level up by 1 when you kill the boss of the map
Nice, live updates! POG
100% Ethical, most of the time.
awesome atlas changes yay
12370 ahead of me, well, better than nothing lol
Another Alpha testing let's go!
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
This thread is a nice addition to the league launch this season. Far better than having to watch Twitter for the information. Thanks for the effort.



