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Crucible Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Riverwind77 が発言:
Vaqic が発言:
Riverwind77 が発言:

Oh yeah i love Lost Ark cucks, korean grinding RPGs full of senseless button spamming.

Im sorry ur standards are that low ;), ur opinion doesn't count tho.

If not for the grind and fun, then you are going to the game for RMT.
Good luck with this attitude you will succeed ;)

Ohh, youre whining about attitude now? seems like your comment backfired into you and hurt ;)

Your ChatGPT played a joke on you ;)
FIX YOUR FUCKING SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Map gone, scarabs gone, loot gone..... FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mokurp が発言:
d4 sucks and will start after 2 months of the league when is dead anyways
good luck waiting 12 hours in the queue during d4 launch

still waiting for currency drops in the league mechanic... right now u need open like 15 weapons to find some currency i do all crucible with 100% and never got 1 chaos orb this is the worst league rewards i seen

i have like 140 primeval remnant but why do them? increase the drop rate is useless drop nothing in there i dont have that many weapons to combine

You shunned d4 by reading your magic globe that tells you the future, and you don't know how to play POE on the same time ?

What a delight =))......your opinion on d4 is highly valuable in this case.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Junkie76 が発言:
so... is there any plan to improve this absolute trash league mechanic, or f*ck us till Exilecon?

you know the answer... that's it for this league.
Junkie76 が発言:
so... is there any plan to improve this absolute trash league mechanic, or f*ck us till Exilecon?


The fact that 99% of unlocked Crucible trees are pretty much unusable just adds yet ANOTHER full-time job element to a game that already feels more like a job and less like a game with every passing league season.

I havent made it past the first 2-3 weeks of a league in years. The game isnt just stale its boring as hell and about the same as playing a slot machine in terms of level of reward to time played.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
最後に SerChivalry#0582 が 2023/04/30 19:09:40 に編集
lets goooo
dachoppa が発言:
Junkie76 が発言:
so... is there any plan to improve this absolute trash league mechanic, or f*ck us till Exilecon?

you know the answer... that's it for this league.

i know. just my last remaining hopium. slug through to 40/40 and see yall in July
fix the stupid trade website crap asap
What we are working on:
Rewarding league mechanic
Server problems

Last league i buyed a supporter pack. Now i want to refund it



